Participate in the Fryso Florian trophy?
Are you the owner of a talented young Friesian horse? Then you can participate if you are a member of the KFPS. For dressage horses there are 6 categories: 4 year old mares, 5 year old mares, 6 year old mares, 4 year old stallions/ geldings, 5 year old stallions/ geldings and 6 year old stallions/ geldings. There are 2 categories for driving horses: mares and geldings/stallions. You can register via MijnKFPS.
Agenda selection competitions:
- Saturday 29 July in Warga | Starts at 18.00:XNUMX pm
- Sunday 6 August in Lunteren | Start at 10.00:XNUMX am
- Friday, August 11 in Haskerhorne | Starts at 13.00:XNUMX
- Sunday, August 27 in Harich | Starts at 13.30 pm
Instruction days:
- Sunday, August 20 in Lunteren
- Wednesday, September 6 in Sonnega
Semi-final and final:
- Central Inspection 2023 – 13 to 16 September in Harich
- Log in to MijnKFPS
- Go to 'Self-service actions' in the menu and choose 'Sign up for an inspection'
- Select the right horse
- Choose the date you want to register for in the calendar