Home News Horses2fly KFPS indoor sports competition 2023

Horses2fly KFPS indoor sports competition 2023

From October 2022 to February 2023, riders and drivers competed for a place in the final of the 2023 edition of the Horses2fly KFPS indoor sports competition.

In February 2023, talented Frisian horses, riders and drivers were at the start for no less than three days in a row. On February 17, the drivers fought for Tinnen Driver. On February 18 and February 19, the riders will compete for two silver whips.

In addition to their ribbon and/or trophy, the winners in all categories were also presented with a well-stocked goodie bag from Tweespan and Fryso.

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Indoor competition champions 2023


Overall champion: Wilma Reijenga with Jonas van de Miedweg (Maurits 437)

Class B: Leslie Agricola with Hidde fan Skarren (Markus 491)

Class L: Daniëlla Smit with Het Swarte Paert Ieke-Renske (Tymon 456)

Class M: Wilma Reijenga with Jonas van de Miedweg (Maurits 437)

Class Z: Ria Hettinga with Stal Hettinga's Allure (Tsjalle 454)

Class ZZ: Abe Brandsma with Stal Brandsma's Diederik (Jehannes 484)

Freestyle: Wilma Reijenga with Jonas van de Miedweg (Maurits 437)

Double team: Inge Hens won with Hayke (Andries 415) and Rikky (Tsjalle 454)

Read the winners' reactions and scores here: News item KFPS

Dressage Saturday

Overall champion B-L2: Isabelle Vroomans with Hummer (Elias 494)

Class B: Marrit Waaksma with Tsjalling A (Jasper 366)

Class L1: Jildau Hart with Gouverneur fan 't Hertefean (Nane 492)

Class L2: Isabelle Vroomans with Hummer (Elias 494)

Read the response from the winners and comments from the jury here: news item KFPS

Dressage Sunday

Overall champion: Esther Postmus and Coco WE (Hessel 480)

Class M1: Sandra de Groot with Dukke fan Panhuys (Maurits 437)

Class M2: Hennie Roffel with Arizona TKJ (Hette 481)

Class Z1: Janna Kes with Stal Okkema's Willem (Michiel 442)

Class Z2: Esther Postmus and Coco WE (Hessel 480)

Class ZZ-L: Demi van Nuys with Rob van de Demro Stables (Tsjalle 454)

Read the winners' reactions and scores here: News item KFPS