Overall champion: Wilma Reijenga with Jonas van de Miedweg (Maurits 437)
Class B: Leslie Agricola with Hidde fan Skarren (Markus 491)
Class L: Daniëlla Smit with Het Swarte Paert Ieke-Renske (Tymon 456)
Class M: Wilma Reijenga with Jonas van de Miedweg (Maurits 437)
Class Z: Ria Hettinga with Stal Hettinga's Allure (Tsjalle 454)
Class ZZ: Abe Brandsma with Stal Brandsma's Diederik (Jehannes 484)
Freestyle: Wilma Reijenga with Jonas van de Miedweg (Maurits 437)
Double team: Inge Hens won with Hayke (Andries 415) and Rikky (Tsjalle 454)
Read the winners' reactions and scores here: News item KFPS
Dressage Saturday
Overall champion B-L2: Isabelle Vroomans with Hummer (Elias 494)
Class B: Marrit Waaksma with Tsjalling A (Jasper 366)
Class L1: Jildau Hart with Gouverneur fan 't Hertefean (Nane 492)
Class L2: Isabelle Vroomans with Hummer (Elias 494)
Read the response from the winners and comments from the jury here: news item KFPS
Dressage Sunday
Overall champion: Esther Postmus and Coco WE (Hessel 480)
Class M1: Sandra de Groot with Dukke fan Panhuys (Maurits 437)
Class M2: Hennie Roffel with Arizona TKJ (Hette 481)
Class Z1: Janna Kes with Stal Okkema's Willem (Michiel 442)
Class Z2: Esther Postmus and Coco WE (Hessel 480)
Class ZZ-L: Demi van Nuys with Rob van de Demro Stables (Tsjalle 454)
Read the winners' reactions and scores here: News item KFPS